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Mobile bar Soda gun system for events, festivals, catering, bars, pubs, hotels, restaurants and more. Portable sodagun station 150 cm

Bar Counter with Integrated Soda Gun System

Soda Gun
mobile station

from 1.999 € 


Why a Soda Gun?

Ready-to-Use Soda Gun System

A Soda Gun Station with integrated system. All parts are in stainless steel, hygienic and easy to clean. Everything you need in 150 cm.

Mobile and customizable

The Soda Gun Station is portable anywhere, for events and dynamic spaces. It comes with or without wheels, for all needs. Aesthetically and technically customisable.

Draft Soft Drinks and Pre-Batch Cocktails

Compatible with any pre-batched cocktail keg. Perfect for soft drinks in kegs, reduces costs and bottle waste. Halves time with fast, error-free dispensing.

Your New Soda Gun Station is Waiting for You!

Contact us for all the details!

bar mobile soda gun 150 cm con piano luminoso LED e ruote con freno. Bar completo per eventi e locali.

For any questions, we are at your disposal.
One of our sales representatives will be ready to provide all the support you need.

* Please remember to provide a valid email address.

Send us a request, and we will contact you within one business day.


I declare that I have turned sixteen, and if I am under sixteen, that I have been authorized by the holder of parental responsibility, therefore I consent to the processing of my personal data as indicated in Privacy Policy.

I agree to the treatment of my personal data. For the forwarding of the newsletter, communications via telephone (sms, WhatsApp, voice call)

Strong Points

Bar Mobile Soda Gun 150cm perfetto per un servizio veloce con cocktail pre-batch e soft drink.

Easy and fast for everyone.

Ready to use

Il banco bar con soda gun è completo di tutto. Le 2 pistole soda gun integrate e il sistema Back Home garantiscono un dosaggio preciso e uniforme, eliminando ogni errore di miscelazione.

Il design intuitivo e semplice da usare, accelera il servizio bar e riduce i tempi di attesa. Massima efficienza, zero complicazioni.

Soda Gun station è compatibile con fusti ready to drink: Gin tonic, spritz aperol e campari e soft drinks

Compatible with any keg.


The Mobile Soda Gun Station allows you to serve non-alcoholic beverages and pre-batched cocktails directly from kegs, with a constant and uninterrupted flow. Up to 900 drinks per hour with five kegs and five different beverages.

Serve perfectly mixed, fresh drinks without errors. Speed up service, reduce wait times, and maximize profits.

Soda Gun Station trasportabile con ruote da 150 cm per eventi outdoor

Is mobile.

Soda Gun Station

  • The first Mobile Soda Gun Station with wheels and brake.

  • Perfect for indoor and outdoor.

  • Easy and fast transportation, ideal for events and dynamic venues.

Impianto soda gun professionale Station Deus. Erogazione bevande costante con temperatura ottimale



  • Install your own system or choose the one from Station Deus.

  • The modular shelf adapts to any keg and system.

  • Simple installation with no limitations.

Personalizza la tua Soda gun station con worktop in inox, piano LED, ruote con freno e molto altro

Su misura.


  • Choose colors, graphics, and accessories to match your style.

  • Pair it with Cocktail Station, Beer Station, and bar modules to create a modular bar counter.

Sistema Back Home per pistole Soda Gun di Station Deus, per un servizio più comodo e pratico



  • The soda guns return to their place automatically thanks to balanced weight.

  • Innovative design for comfort and precision, even during high-intensity service.

Banco bar con Soda Gun 150 cm in Acciaio inox. Materiali resistenti e di qualità Made in Italy


Made in Italy.
  • Stainless steel and aluminum structure.

  • 100% Made in Italy craftsmanship and materials.

  • Supports up to 250 kg on the worktop and 400 kg on the modular shelf.

Porta vaschette in Acciaio inox per organizzare frutta e guarnizioni per Soda Gun station mobile


  • Stainless Steel AISI 304 tray holder (44 cm).

  • Organizes fruits and garnishes, keeping everything within reach.

Postazione bar con pistole soda gun da 150 cm con worktop professionale in Acciaio inox


  • 150 cm of surface with a spacious stainless steel worktop.

  • Perfect for two operators, enhancing workflow and organization.

Speed Rack da 50 cm in Acciaio inox per Banco Bar Soda Gun. Contiene fino a 5-6 bottiglie


Speed rack.
  • Stainless Steel AISI 304 Speed Rack (50 cm).

  • The Mobile Soda Gun Bar System holds 5-6 bottles for more elaborate cocktails.

Configura il tuo set-up bar modulare con soda gun station, beer station e cocktail stations


Station Deus®
  • The Soda Gun Station is compatible with the Station Deus modular system.

  • Expand and reconfigure your bar counter over time, with no limits.

Raccogli gocce in Acciaio inox per Bar Mobile Soda gun, forato e rimovibile per una facile igiene.


Drip Tray
  • Stainless Steel AISI 304 Drip Tray (97 cm).

  • Perforated and removable for quick and easy cleaning of the Portable Bar with Soda Gun.

What makes a difference?


Mobile Soda Gun Bar System with Wheels

Mobile Model

  • Aluminum structure with removable black PSA panels

  • Stainless steel service top

  • A 5-liter waste water tank

  • 2 soda gun dispensers


  • Perforated stainless steel drip tray

  • Modular shelf with brackets

  • Wheels with brakes

  • Mini speed rack for 5-6 bottles

  • Pressure gauge bracket


2.599 € 


Standard Soda Gun Station

Fixed Model

  • Aluminum structure with removable black PSA panels

  • Stainless steel service top

  • Smooth stainless steel work surface

  • A 5-liter waste water tank


  • 2 soda gun dispensers ready to connect to your system


1.999 € 


Recommended Accessories

Impianto soda gun professionale di Station Deus. Impianto per soda gun station trasportabile

Professional Soda Gun System

by Station Deus®

Add the professional Station Deus system. We take care of everything: installation, testing, and delivery—fully operational and ready to use.
No assembly, no waiting: as soon as it arrives, you are ready to work.


2.499 € 


Barmat acciaio inox con grgilia di scolo per soda gun station e bar mobile con soda gun integrata

Stainless Steel Barmat

Replace the service top with a stainless steel barmat. It catches every drop, preventing stains and wear.

Barmat in gomma trasparente per luci led. Decora il tuo banco bar soda gun personalizzabile

Transparent Barmat

A transparent rubber barmat designed for the LED worktop. Keep your station clean without blocking the light.

Luci Led per soda gun station illuminata. Bar mobile soda gun luminoso per eventi e catering

LED Worktop

Upgrade the service top with a LED worktop featuring warm 300K lighting. Work efficiently, even in the dark.

Porta all'esterno il tuo bar mobile soda gun e coprilo con un telo protettivo impermeabile

Protective Cover

Whether stored, transported, or left outdoors, protect your Portable Bar with Soda Gun with a waterproof cover.

Batteria per luci led soda gun station mobile. Autonoma per lavoro all'esterno

Battery for LED Worktop

A battery for the LED worktop, ensuring 8-10 hours of autonomy. No need for power outlets

And many more Accessories.

Aesthetic Customizations

Personalizza il design della tua Soda Gun Station trasportabile: in bianco, nero o qualsiasi colore

Choose the Color

Decide on the design of your bar.

  • STANDARD: Gray and black – a simple and versatile look

  • TOTAL BLACK: A bold and modern look

  • TOTAL WHITE: A sophisticated and elegant look

  • Want something different? Contact us for custom modifications.

Capture Attention

Choose the Graphics to Apply

  • ADHESIVE: pre-spaced wear-resistant PVC

  • GRAPHIC PRINTING: Direct printing on PSA panels. Everlasting, scratch-resistant and top quality.

  • Write to us for a customised graphic

Technical Features

Soda Gun Station–150 cm

Banco bar soda gun professionale con 5 fusti. Realizza 900 drink/ora con Soda Gun station da 150 cm


L. 150 x W. 61 x H. 118 cm

Keg Compatibility

Soft drinks, ready-to-drink beverages, and more.


Already included / Install your own.

Connections and Kegs


Keg Size

5, 10, 20, 30, 40 L


Aluminum, AISI 304 stainless steel, and PSA panels.

Mobile soda gun station 150 cm with wheels for indoor and outdoor events. Soda gun mobile bar compatible with any keg system: soft drinks, cocktail pre-batch and ready to drink.

FAQs su Soda Gun Station

È compatibile con fusti ready to drink?

Si, è compatibile con qualsiasi fusto. Dai classici ai ready to drink.

Come posso aggiungere il mio impianto di spillatura alla postazione bar?

Se hai già un impianto chiedi al tuo tecnico di installarlo una volta ricevuta la tua postazione bar. L'installazione è standard come per qualsiasi impianto per la birra. I collegamenti sono semplici e veloci. Se lo desideri possiamo montare il nostro impianto sulla Soda Gun Station, che ti arriverà già funzionante.

Vorrei acquistare il vostro impianto spillatura, devo installarlo?

No, se desideri aggiungere l'impianto spillatura di Station Deus spediremo l'impianto già collaudato e istallato sulla Soda Gun Station dal nostro team tecnico. Arriverà da te già assemblato nelle sue componenti e pronto all'uso.​

Serve personale qualificato per utilizzare la Soda Gun Station?

No, non è necessario avere formazione. Le pistole sono semplici da usare e grazie al sistema back-home velocizza il servizio. La Soda Gun Station ha tutto lo spazio necessario e componenti per lavorare in modo comodo.

Ci sono altri colori disponibili oltre al standard, total black e total white?

Si, possiamo personalizzare il colore della struttura a seconda del design che preferisci. L’estetica di Soda Gun Station si adatta a te, al tuo evento e/o al tuo brand.

Qual è la capacità dei fusti compatibili con la Soda Gun Station?

Puoi inserire fusti da 40L, 30L, 24L, 20L, 10L e 5L. Puoi attaccare fino a 5 bevande sulle pistole, se avanza spazio puoi aggiungere altri fusti in stock. Lo scaffale modulare sostiene fino a 400kg.

Ci sono componenti che non mi servono, come il porta vaschette e la mini speed rack. Posso toglierle?

Si, puoi eliminare gli accessori che non desideri o sono superflui per il tuo lavoro. Soda Gun Station è personalizzabile a seconda le tue esigenze, contattaci! Saremo felici di aiutarti.

È possibile avere uno sconto quantità per il mio locale?

Si, puoi ricevere uno sconto sull’acquisto di più postazioni bar soda gun. Contattaci tramite il form di questa pagina o sui nostri contatti, ti metterai in contatto diretto con il nostro reparto commerciale.

Bring the Mobile Soda Gun Station to Your Venue.

Contact us now!

Soda Gun Station mobile con spinatura rapida per servire più drink e ridurre le attese ai festival

For any questions, we are at your disposal.
One of our sales representatives will be ready to provide you with all the support you need.

Send us a form, and we will contact you within
one business day.

*Please remember to provide a valid email address.


I declare that I have turned sixteen, and if I am under sixteen, that I have been authorized by the holder of parental responsibility, therefore I consent to the processing of my personal data as indicated in Privacy Policy.

I agree to the treatment of my personal data. For the forwarding of the newsletter, communications via telephone (sms, WhatsApp, voice call)


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*Please provide a valid email address.


I declare that I have turned sixteen, and if I am under sixteen, that I have been authorized by the holder of parental responsibility, therefore I consent to the processing of my personal data as indicated in  Privacy Policy.

I agree to the treatment of my personal data. For the forwarding of the newsletter, communications via telephone (sms, WhatsApp, voice call)

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Copyright © 2024 STATION DEUS ® a brand of Omega Station srl a socio unico

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